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Monday, October 08, 2012


The Ma'at

Published September 8, 2011-Updated December 28, 2011

“Is There Ever a Time When the Government Should Shutdown?”

by Nathan’ette Burdine-Follow on Twitter@nbnylemagazine


They’re all  down at the creek by the big house.  Nate, Cricket, and Sam, are sitting on the boat that is docked on the rocks, near the river bank.  Hazel Mae, Dot, and Gwen are sitting in lawn chairs a couple of feet away from the river bank.


Nate-You got a whole bucket of catfish there Cricket?


Cricket-Yeah, that’s all been biting on my line.  I think I have one or two trout and a couple of brims in here.  I threw that reel out a little further yonder ways there so I could get me some bass but I didn’t have any luck. 


Nate-What do you think about that shutdown that was suppose to happen? 


Cricket-It wasn’t going to happen.  Obama always finds a way to get out of a situation.  He didn’t want that shame on him.  You remember they were suppose to shut down back in January, but they didn’t.  Obama doesn’t want that shame.  He’s sitting up there talking ’bout change.  Where’s the change at?!  I haven’t seen any change since he got in there.


Nate-I don’t think the Republicans wanted that shame either. 


Cricket-You see now, Obama doesn’t get a pass with me because he’s proclaiming himself to be the second coming, sitting up there talking about change in Washington.


Hazel Mae-He’s the change.


Cricket-He ain’t the change.  Half of him is them.  How in the hell is that the change?  We have half a dolla.  I don’t want 50%.  I want the whole dolla.  And then he sat up there talking ’bout his pastor.  Colored folks know not to talk about the pastor.  I ain’t never talked about my pastor.


Hazel Mae-Cricket, you don’t even go to church.  And to top it off, you were talking ’bout Pastor Jones the other day.  And everybody knows Pastor Jones slept with one of your ole ladies.


Nate-Josephine Schultz.


Hazel Mae-Hm-mm, that’s who it was.  Cricket, you called Pastor Jones everything but the chile of God and said that he was going to hell with gasoline drawers on.  So I don’t know how you’re gonna sit up here and fix your mouth to talk ’bout somebody else.  You always throwing stones that come back to knock you upside your head, and that’s your problem and you don’t even know it.


Cricket-That’s y’all’s problem, all y’all colored folks up into Blabit.  Yeah, I said it, “Blabit” because that’s all he does is talk, talk, talk, talk, talk.  All that air coming out makes you think he’s speaking gas.


Sam-You better watch out.


Cricket-Man, what are you trying to do, hit me with the hook?  You almost hooked me with that.  (He touches his face.)-I got blood on my face.


Sam-I don’t see any blood.


Cricket-You did that on purpose.


Sam-You’re not even cut.


Cricket-That’s some ole bull, man.  I know what you’re doing.  You’re mad because I’m talking ’bout yo’ boy.  Oh, yes you are.  Out here trying to make me catch a case. 


Sam (whispering).-…or a funeral.


Cricket-Say what now?


Sam-Nothing.  You’re talking about change and the shutdown.  Now, Boehner came up there after he became the Speaker of the House and started talking about how things were going to change.  But nothing has changed.  Just like O, Boehner has all those people to go through.  The system is designed so nobody can institute change.  That’s how it is, a balance of power.  And what do you get with a balance, zero.  You’re back where you started. 


Cricket-Boehner ain’t right in the head.  It looks like he’s on something.  Every time I see his ass, he’s crying.  He cries more than a housewife that has to go to work.  I tell you the truth.  But ain’t nothing changing.  That’s politics.  It’s older than that dirt out there.…but when you come up there acting like you can walk on water, then people are going to expect it.


Sam-Can’t you say the same thing about Boehner?


Cricket-I did, but y’all act like Blabit can’t do no wrong.  I call it like I see it.


Hazel Mae-You call it like you see it.


Cricket-That’s what I just said.  But I’ll tell you this much, neither one of them need to be clapping back at each other.  They both came there acting like a change was gonna come.  You can’t change time and that’s what they were both proclaiming to do.  That’s why they didn’t want a shutdown because they would have to eat crow.  Ain’t no shutdown ever gonna happen under Obama or Boehner.  Boehner doesn’t want that Newt curse.  Newt so bad he couldn’t run for the devil.  I tell you the truth.


Hazel Mae-We have over 500 members in Congress.  And that in its self is enough to shutdown something.  They’re overloaded.  (to Nate.)-It's like when you’re pulling too much juice with all of those plugs and switches you got out there and the system shuts down.  You have to take all of that stuff out in order for it to run right.  They need to decrease those members in Congress so Congress can run right.  And you see, just like lights, water, gas, and rent are bills, your employees are bills.  All those people in Congress ain’t nothing but an extra bill costing us money.  There’s too much pulling on the system.  Just like some of those plugs Nate got out there be pulling all that juice and he has to pull them out in order to keep things running.  The government needs to cut whatever is pulling the economy over the line.  You have to cut those plugs.


Nate-We need to cut Congress?


Hazel Mae-That’s what I said.  All of those people in there.  What Truman said, “The do nothing Congress.”  That’s why they do nothing, it’s too many of them in there to do something.  They all think the other is going to do and nobody ends up doing anything. 


Cricket-The Republicans say y’all women folk with that planned-parenthood are pulling too much.


Hazel Mae-What’s this planned parenthood business?  Are you talking about that abortion mess?  Look a here, you plan to be a parent when you open up your legs or let down your britches.  If the Lawd sees fit for a child to be born then it will be, and if He doesn’t then it won’t be.  What they need to do is start looking at these mamas and daddies.  You send these chilren’ off to school and they come back here with a package.


Cricket-Ain’t nobody came back here with a package.  Who came back here with a package?


Hazel Mae-Maebell daughter went to that school up yonder ways and came back here pregnant.  All these chilren’ leave here and come back with something.  And every last one of those chilrens’ mamas and daddies weren’t in the home.  They were living with their grandmamas.  Betty Jean up there had that gal and look at her.  I told mine, “Chilren’ need to be with their mama.”  That’s what I said now.  Keep your pocket book close and your britches up and you won’t have to worry about planned parenthood.  If you don’t want to abort something, then don’t put yourself in a position to abort something.  And why are we talking about abortions?  Ain’t nobody paying for that, anyhow.  You bringing up something that got nothing to do with nothing.  All that money the federal government has, they ain’t putting that money in abortions.  And it ain’t no telling how many of them done gone to an abortion doctor.  I’ll tell you something else, stress can kill a youngin’ in the womb.  All that worriation raises your blood pressure and puts your systems off balance.  There are plenty of women whose youngins didn’t make it because their nerves were worked over.  Sitting up here talking about an abortion.  That’s what they do, throw mud in the water to keep you from seeing the real problem, them. 


Dot-This is the conversation they want you to have.  They want you to be off topic.  You and I know there are cases such as incest, rape, or life threatening that may indeed require a woman to have an abortion.  Then there are cases whereby none of these scenarios apply.  In this instance, I’m not going to diverge into either or because I see the Republicans using the same old scare tactics.  The issue is what to cut.  What is pulling as you say, “Too much juice and causing the system to shut down.”  This is not a scenario whereby nothing can be left as is.  There are going to be adjustments made.  They will most likely be made by cutting funding to some programs that are causing the greatest strain on the economic system.  I think Obama is running a game on the Republicans.  This talk about cutting Social Security and Medicare is a way for Obama to set them up so he can throw the blame back onto them.  That is what that cut, cap, and balance was all about.  And if that bill had made it to Obama’s desk, he would have vetoed it.  The Republicans are the fools and they don’t even know it.  The next time around, he may end up using his executive order in order to raise the debt ceiling.  The Supreme Court won’t say anything.  They are notorious for staying out of politics by telling people that it is a legislative or executive issue.  They’ve learned their lesson from Florida.


Cricket-You know what they say about an old dog, “It pisses and shits the same way every time.”  So don’t put any thing stupid pass the Supreme Court.


Gwen-I know that’s right.








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